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To Love a Latin Woman
Discover Colombia’s rich history
Take part in our singles vacation to be able to travel to such a beautiful country while dating a Latina!

The Rich History of Colombia

Colombia was first occupied by various tribes, hunter-gatherers, and farmers. The Spaniards were the first to land in the area in 1500.

In 1810, Colombians fought and declared their independence, but it did not last long. The Spaniards were able to re-conquer their country.

Yet, the people of Colombia did not stop there. They continued fighting for their independence led on by Simon Bolivar at the battle of Boyaca, where they succeeded.

After the war, a new nation was formed consisting of Colombia, Panama, Valenzuela, and Ecuador. They called it the Republic of Colombia. However, regional differences resulted in the new country to break up. Bolivar became a dictator in 1828, but he resigned in 1830. Colombia then separated from Ecuador, Venezuela, and Panama.

The history of Colombia started with a troubled timeline. Eight civil wars took place during the 19th century, including the terrible civil war called the War of a thousand days. During the 20th century, Colombia was predominantly peaceful, and the economy blossomed. Their exports of coffee increased. However, in 1948 another civil war broke out, the La Violencia.

The positive effect of the war gave strength to the masses to show the oligarchy that the farmers and peasants are not just going to accept repression.

Lastly, in the 21st century, the state of Colombia improved. Violence in Colombia diminished after 2002. Furthermore, the Colombian economy grew rapidly, and poverty and unemployment shrank.

As of today, tourism in Colombia is growing fast. And up until now, it continued to capture the hearts of many people from all over the world.

Discover the best attractions in Colombia
Travel to Latin America and witness the wonders that Colombia has to offer.

Best Attractions in Colombia

It’s no secret why Colombia is one of the most wanted travel destinations to many people around the globe. Whether you’re into beaches, mountains, swamps surrounding the Amazon river, or building structures, Colombia has it all.

And if you’re one of the people wanting to visit such a beautiful country while taking part in our singles vacation, consider this as one of the tips when dating a Latina. Because these places we’re about to mention are ideal locations for you to take your date to. If you do, we’re sure you’ll have a romantic vibe all throughout.