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To Love a Latin Woman

What You Should Cook For Your Latina Girlfriend This National Lover’s Day

There’s a saying that goes “The way through a man’s heart is through his stomach.” The same can be said for women as well.

There are times when you just want to go all out on your gestures of love just because you want to.

Cooking is perfect for that. It’s a simple yet grand gesture of love that shows how capable you are as a partner.

What’s more, Latina’s find men who can cook alluring. There’s just something about a man in the kitchen wearing an apron that leaves their heart beating in staccato. Whats a Latina girl to do without a handsome man who can tingle her taste buds?

This coming National Lover’s Day is the perfect opportunity for you to whip up something nice for your Latina girlfriend.

man cooking
Whip up some Colombian cuisine and impress your girlfriend this National Lover’s Day.

Haven’t heard of this special day before? It’s a minor observance day that’s a lot like Valentine’s Day. It’s a day dedicated to love and relationships.

So on National Lover’s Day, surprise your girlfriend with a home date and prepare her a hearty meal by the time she comes back home from work.

But what if you aren’t sure what to prepare for a Colombian woman like her?

Naturally, go with Colombian cuisine. Fortunately for you, they have a few recipes that are quick to follow with accessible ingredients.

Here are a few simple yet delectable recipes that you can look into:

Arroz Chino Al Estilo Colombiano

Arroz Chino al Estilo Colombiano is a Colombian take on Chinese Fried Rice. As a matter of fact, its translation quite literally means “Colombian-Style Chinese Fried Rice.”

Almost every Colombian has their own take on what they call Arroz Chino. You have the choice between chicken, pork, or seafood for your protein. For a more interesting kick, you can add chorizo, ham, or bacon.

But of course, if you want to keep it plain and simple, you can never go wrong with plain vegetables.

It’s a fun dish to prepare, especially if you’re looking to repurposing last night’s leftovers. Do be careful when adding ingredients your girlfriend is possibly allergic to — you wouldn’t want to ruin your date over a simple oversight.

Arroz Marinero

Another rice dish you can prepare for your date night, Arroz Marinero is exclusively a seafood rice dish that’s mixed with local Colombian spices.

There are other alternatives you can use to these spices, so you won’t have to worry about it tasting different from what your girlfriend remembers.

The most common seafood Colombians use for this dish are calamari, squid, scallops and mussels. Like all arroz dishes, you are free to customize it and add more seafood variants such as shrimp, clams, or crab.

This can be served with lime or lemon with Colombian hot sauce on the side.


When it comes to Colombian dishes, you should never miss out on arepas.

Arepas are corn cakes in their most popular form, but they can also be made with other ingredients such as plantain, cassava, or potatoes. They are flexible enough to be served as either breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

But more often than not, they’re either treated as snacks or side dishes.

Each region has its own take on how this food is prepared. For a more personalized touch, it would be much better to prepare your arepas according to your girlfriend’s region.

Bandeja Paisa

Bandeja Paisa is arguably the most popular Colombian food there is.

It’s a hearty meal that consists of beans, white rice, chicharrón, carne en polvo, chorizo, fried egg, ripe plantain, avocado and arepa. All these components are then strategically assembled and served on one plate.

It’s so filling you probably won’t have any more room for dessert!

You’ll have to ration the portion according to how much you and your girlfriend can stomach. Unless, you don’t mind storing the leftovers.


Buñuelos is a Christmas dish you’d often see paired with hot chocolate. This is the perfect food to snack on while chilling and watching movies on your couch with your girlfriend.

It’s crispy on the outside, chewy and runny on the inside, a simple and delectable snack that’s best enjoyed on special occasions, such as National Lover’s Day.

This is often made with Colombian white cheese. However, you can also use feta cheese as an alternative.


Chicharron is deep fried pork belly or pork rind. It is an important component in the Bandeja Paisa.

The steps to make this side dish are quite simple. You season your pork belly, leave them to cook with a bit of water, then you fry it until it’s golden brown. You can customize your seasoning according to the other dishes you’ll be serving.

It can stand alone as a dish of its own. You can dip it in a sauce of your choice, such as chili or vinegar.


After a good and heavy meal, it would be ideal to top it off with a sweet dessert.

If you’re looking for a dessert that’s not too complicated to assemble, this summer dessert is sure to fill in your girlfriend’s sweet tooth cravings.

Cholcado is a dessert and drink all in one. It’s made with shaved ice, fruits, condensed milk, and mora syrup. It’s sweet, creamy, and cooling, all in one bite.

You have choices on which fruit you want to use in the mix, though preferably, it’s recommended that you use tropical fruits, such as mango, banana, watermelon, or pineapple.

Making Dinner at Home

Latin couple
Instead of taking your Latina girlfriend out, it’s easier and more intimate to prepare a special dinner at home instead.

Special occasions don’t always mean going out to fancy restaurants. Sometimes, it’s much better to make dinner in the comfort of your home.

Not only do you get to control your portions, you save a lot more money that you and your girlfriend can use somewhere else.

Besides, there’s nothing wrong with celebrating at home. It’s intimate and private — a perfect setting for a memorable and sentimental date.

This is your chance to show off your culinary skills to your girlfriend. Even if it’s a simple dish, she’ll surely appreciate the thought and effort that you’ve poured into making it.

Take this opportunity to sit down and enjoy a good meal with your Latina girlfriend. Or as they say in Spanish, “Buen provecho!”

Quite honestly, that’s one of the most romantic things to say to your Latina girlfriend. That is, next to I love you.